Committees at Holland Community Theatre
There are many committees to join at Holland Community Theatre!
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To learn more about the Committees
or express your desire to join please Contact Us!
Artistic Committee
The Artistic Committee is responsible for the artistic performances presented on the HCT stage and under HCT sponsorship.
The Artistic Committee will create a slate of proposed shows and a proposed schedule for Board Approval to build a successful season.
The Artistic Committee will seek prospective directors, assistants, producers, and stage managers to present to the Board for each show.
The Artistic Committee will maintain the HCT script library by adding to and periodically reviewing in-house scripts, and measuring suitability for the HCT stage and audience.
The Artistic Committee will seek additional performance spaces, groups, and opportunities to continue providing theatre to the community at large.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is chaired by the Treasurer of the Board of Directors
The Audit Committee will include two additional members of the theatre in good standing who have an interest or experience in finance
The Audit Committee is responsible for the maintenance of financial materials related to HCT income and expenses
Box Office Committee
The Box Office Committee will be chaired by the Box Office Manager
The Box Office Committee will be comprised of the box office volunteers and is responsible for the staffing of the office for all ticket sale dates
The Box Office Committee will provide monthly reports of ticket sales to the Board of Directors
The Box Office Manager will maintain the relationship with ticket broker service as needed and ensure all dates and events are available for purchase in a timely manner
Development Committee
The Development Committee is responsible for coordinating and implementing all contributed income programs
The Development Committee will assign contributions to the theatre’s needs as provided by the Board
The Development Committee will cultivate a network of donors and fundraising organizations and maintain the relationships
The Development Committee will seek outside building rentals to increase rental income
Hospitality Committee
The Hospitality Committee is responsible for the front-of-the-house management of HCT, including the staffing and training of House Managers, Ushers, and Concession Hosts
The Hospitality Committee will maintain inventory of all items sold by the concession stand and ensure the kitchen and front of the house are stocked with supplies
The Hospitality Committee will represent HCT positively with high standards of customer service, engage our patrons and invite feedback, and be versed in the history and mission of HCT
Marketing Committee
The Marketing Committee will strive to expand the HCT audience through promotional materials and publicly available advertising
The Marketing Committee will increase name recognition and perceived value of HCT and its productions
The Marketing Committee will cultivate and maintain contacts with media outlets and points of exposure for the theatre
The Marketing Committee will ensure the distribution of all HCT promotional materials, including but not limited to: show and event posters, audition bookmarks, and season flyers
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee will maintain the list of active members and maintain relationships with members in order to promote continued membership
The Membership Committee will maintain a list of membership benefits and ensure the execution of such benefits
The Membership Committee will promote membership through the recruitment and development of new members
The Membership Committee will promote involvement in membership events through social media and other venues for notification
The Membership Committee will plan and execute the Annual Meeting and Banquet
The Membership Committee will compile information for the monthly Civic Connection newsletter to be sent to the membership and general mailing list
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee will be chaired by a Board Member, nominated by the President, whose term will not expire at the end of the membership year
Two additional members of the theatre in good standing will also serve on the Committee for a 3-year term
The Nominating Committee will meet quarterly, as indicated in the bylaws, in order to identify and cultivate possible nominees for service on the Board
The Nominating Committee will ensure potential future Board members meet any prerequisite qualifications
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee will be chaired by the Vice President of the Board of Directors
The Personnel Committee will also be staffed by two members of the theatre in good standing
The Personnel Committee will maintain all job descriptions for the operation of HCT, committees, paid personnel, Board positions, and production crews, and will edit them as needed and approved by the Board
The Personnel Committee will assure that annual reviews of paid personnel are conducted by the Board
The Personnel Committee will recruit and secure Crew Chairs and paid employees for approval and employment by the Board
Production Committee
The Production Committee will be chaired by the Board Liaison, also known as the Producer Liaison
The Production Committee will also include the Crew Chairs as selected and approved by the Board
The Production Committee will maintain and update producer booklets that will contain pertinent information and supplies for producers of each show, which will include, but may not be limited to:
Keys to Theatre for Producer, Director, and Assistant Director, along with check out and in sheet
Job Descriptions for all Production Team Positions
Contact Information for Board Members and Theatre Personnel
Emergency Procedures
Current Partner Vendor Lists and Contact Information
Resource Documents for Auditions, Crew Chiefs, and Production Processes
Membership Forms for Current Season
Blank Complimentary Ticket Vouchers
The Production Committee will maintain a record of qualified volunteers to head crews for each HCT production
The Production Committee will assist Producers as necessary with the execution of production needs
The Producer Liaison will coordinate between shows to ensure strikes and builds are scheduled and streamlined